When you select Server List (standard) on the left of the work area, the All
Server server group is displayed according to the ServerView server list as
well as the two VIOM-specific server groups VIOM Manageable and VIOM
All Server Includes the servers according to the ServerView server list
Includes the servers that can be managed using VIOM, but
are currently not managed
Includes the servers that are managed using VIOM. This
server group contains the servers that were selected in the
VIOM Manageable group for which the Manage action was
successfully carried out. The servers managed by VIOM are
then no longer listed in the VIOM Manageable group.
5.2.2 Tree structure (Profiles)
Figure 24: Profiles (tree structure)
When you select Profiles on the left of the work area, the defined server pro-
files are displayed. The folder is empty as long as a server profile has not yet
been created.
ServerView Virtual-IO Manager 141
5.2 Tree view