5 Virtual-IO Manager user interface
Opens the next step in the wizard.
Executes the wizard with your settings.
Cancels the wizard workflow without saving your changes.
Launchs the context-sensitive online help.
Virtual-IO Manager provides the following wizards:
l Create Network for IBP wizard
l Edit Uplink Set wizard
l Create Server Profile wizard
l Edit Server Profile wizard
l Configuration Backup/Restore wizard
5.4.1 Create Network for IBP wizard (only for blade servers)
You use the Create Network for IBP wizard to define a network. In the Vir-
tual-IO Manager, defining a network path refers to specifying which external
ports are used to connect the relevant blade server chassis to which external
Defining these types of network paths on an IBP module includes the fol-
lowing steps:
l Defining an uplink set. An uplink set contains a number of uplink ports.
You can combine multiple uplink ports in one uplink set. You can con-
figure the ports as active ports or as backup ports.
l Possibly also defining one or several meaningful network names, which
are assigned to the uplink set.
162 ServerView Virtual-IO Manager