14.1.6 Logging the Backup Service
The Backup Service logs important events in the Windows Event Logging or
syslog on Linux.
So you can search the Windows Event Logging respectively syslog for infor-
mation on the Backup Services or for troubleshooting them.
14.2 Restoring the VIOM database on Windows
In the event of an error, you can restore the VIOM database from the back-
ups. You must not delete the current VIOM database or the errored VIOM
database. If you find any errors during restoration, you must restart the res-
toration from the beginning.
For the restoration, you must first read in the database backup and then, if
available, one or more transaction log backups.
Backups of transaction logs are available if the corresponding backup jobs
are configured in the Backup Service.
Before you restore the VIOM database, the ServerView database
may also have to be restored. For more on restoring the ServerView
database, please see the manual "Installing ServerView Operations
Manager Software under Windows - Installation Guide".
When the VIOM Backup Service is started, the master database is
backed up once. Follow the same steps as described below to
restore the master database as well, but note that ServerView Oper-
ations Manager also backs up the master database. It is up to the
user to choose the most recent backup for that database and restore
14.2.1 Restoration via SQL Server Management Studio
To restore the VIOM database and, if available, the transaction logs, proceed
as follows:
ServerView Virtual-IO Manager 345
14.2 Restoring the VIOM database on Windows