2. Select the relevant license and click Deregister licenses. The selected
license is deleted. If the number of allowed assignments is smaller than
the number of assigned server profiles, an error message is displayed
and the deletion process canceled.
On Linux you can also add a licence without graphical user inter-
cd /opt/fujitsu/ServerViewSuite/plugins/viom/Manager
java -jar ./VIOM-LICENSE-MANAGER.jar -remove <key>
In addition to using the License Manager to manage licenses, you can dis-
play the licenses assigned in the Virtual-IO Manager interface. To do this,
you must click the Show Licenses button on the Virtual-IO Manager tab.
You use the Show Licenses button on the Virtual-IO Manager tab to
request information on the licenses assigned.
1. To do this, click the Show Licenses button on the Virtual-IO Manager
2. The Licenses Information dialog box opens.
ServerView Virtual-IO Manager 93
3.6 License management