6.16.4 Check configuration of navigation sensors
You can check the configuration of your navigation sensors.
Check speed settings ([SPD] page)
Open the menu and click the [SPD] tab in the [System Sensor Settings] page or [Local
Sensor Settings] page of the [Sensor] menu. The user can select navigation sensors
for use in navigation and view their current values.
[SPD] page, system sensor
[SPD] page, local sensor
Checkbox status shows whether the sensor is used for integrated navigation or not. If
there is no value shown for a sensor, it indicates that the sensor is not valid. Note that
the content of these pages depends on the sensors that are in use on the ship.
Select the available dual logs.
Note that manual speed should only be used in an emergency, when no other speed
reference is available. Remember that position sensors are also available as speed
sources. If no dual log is available, check [Reference SPD] (local sensor page) to use
a reference target from the radar as the source for speed and course.