You can select what type of alerts to display with [Priority Filter] and [Category Filter]
at the top of the list. The list can be sorted by [Priority], [Cat.], [Alert No.], [Description],
[Occurred Time], [ACKed TIime] or [Rectified Time]. Click the corresponding column
title to sort. To find detailed information about an alert, select it to show detailed infor-
mation in the [Detail] box. To search the log, enter text in the [Log Search] box then
click the [Find] button. You can save the contents of the log to a USB flash memory,
in .dat format, by clicking the [Export Log] button.
20.7 Alert Reception from Connected Sensors
An "ALR receive and ACK transmit" communication is available for every serial line
input. The ALR message from the sensor includes information about alerts from the
sensor, and is presented though the normal alert system. When you acknowledge an
alert, an ACK message is sent to the sensor to do remote acknowledge.
This interface is based on IEC 61162-1 and IEC 80/520/INF.
20.8 List of Alerts
Below is a list of all available alerts and their default priorities. The priority of Alerts 620
to 638 can be switched between Caution and Warning on the [Chart Alert] page (see
paragraph 11.1.2).
No. Text
001 Fan1 Rotation Speed Lowering Caution
002 Fan2 Rotation Speed Lowering Caution
003 Fan3 Rotation Speed Lowering Caution
004 Fan4 Rotation Speed Lowering Caution
005 LCD Unit Lifetime Over Warning
006 High Temperature Inside Monitor Warning
007 Fan1 No Rotation Warning
008 Fan2 No Rotation Warning
009 Fan3 No Rotation Warning
010 Fan4 No Rotation Warning
011 RS485 Communication Timeout Caution
012 No Signal Caution
013 Sentence Syntax Error Caution
014 Fan1 Rotation Speed Lowering Caution
015 Fan2 Rotation Speed Lowering Caution
016 Fan3 Rotation Speed Lowering Caution
017 Fan4 Rotation Speed Lowering Caution
018 LCD Unit Lifetime Over Warning
019 High Temperature Inside Monitor Warning
020 Fan1 No Rotation Warning
021 Fan2 No Rotation Warning
022 Fan3 No Rotation Warning
023 Fan4 No Rotation Warning
024 RS485 Communication Timeout Caution
025 No Signal Caution Caution