2.23.1 How to display, erase a PI line
How to display, erase a PI line from the Control Unit
Displaying a PI line: Press the INDEX LINE key until desired PI line no. appears.
Erasing a PI line: Press the INDEX LINE key until desired PI line no. appears. Press
and hold down the INDEX LINE key to erase the PI line.
How to display, erase a PI line from the trackball module
Click the PI line no. indication to select a PI line. Click the PI line status indication (ON,
OFF) to display or erase a PI line.
2.23.2 How to adjust PI line orientation, PI line interval
1. If not already displayed, display a PI line.
2. Put the cursor on the PI line angle indication then spin the scrollwheel to set the
angle (000 to 359.9).
3. Put the cursor on the PI line interval indication then spin the scrollwheel to adjust
the PI line interval.
2.23.3 How to select the number of PI lines to display
You can select the number of PI lines to display among 1, 2, 3 or 6.
For all PI lines
1. Open the menu.
2. Select [3 NAV TOOL] and [1 PI LINE] to show the [PI
LINE] menu.
3. Select [2 SET ALL PI LINE] and the desired number of PI
lines among [1], [2], [3] or [6].
4. Close the menu.
For individual PI line
1. Select the PI line no. to set the number of PI lines referring
to paragraph 2.23.1.
2. Right-click the PI line box to show the context-sensitive menu then select [Number
of PI Line].
3. Select the desired number of PI lines among [1], [2], [3] or [6].
Note: The actual number of lines visible can be less depending on line interval.
2.23.4 How to select the bearing reference for the PI line
PI line bearing reference can be relative to your ship's heading (Relative) or refer-
enced to North (True).
Note: This function is not available with IMO type. The setting is fixed to [True].
1. Open the menu.
2. Select [3 NAV TOOL] and [1 PI LINE] to show the [PI LINE] menu.
3. Select [1 PI LINE BEARING].