This chapter mainly shows you how to install the public keys, licenses and charts,
manually update chart objects, and synchronize charts among chart radars. All chart-
related operations begin from the Chart maintenance mode, which you access by
clicking the [CHARTS] button on the Status bar.
Note 1: Charts, routes and user charts are shared with other FMD-3xx0, FCR-2xx9
and FAR-3xx0 units, via LAN. Data is shared automatically; no operation is required.
Note 2: Chart processing (installation, deletion, etc.) may take several minutes de-
pending on the number of charts to be processed.
Note 3: If, when attempting to install charts, nothing appears on the display at the start
of the procedure, reset the power and try again.
7.1 How to Install Public Keys for ENC Charts
Public keys authenticate the source and integrity of the ENC chart materials used in
this chart system. Before you install a new ENC chart, confirm that the corresponding
public key is installed.
Generally, there are two types of public keys:
• IHO (file name: IHO.PUB)
• Primar (file name: PRIMAR.pub)
1. Set the medium (DVD, USB flash memory, etc.) that contains the public key. (The
IHO public key is preinstalled.)
2. Get into the Chart maintenance mode then click the [Public Key] button on the
InstantAccess bar.
3. Click the [Load New Key] button to show the [Open file] dialog box.
4. Find the .pub file then click the [Open] button. The [Select Public Key] dialog box