8. Manual Updates
1. Spin the scrollwheel to display Menu/Info/Chart Menu in the guidance area.
2. Push the right button.
3. Choose Manual Updates, push the scrollwheel, choose Planning then push the scrollwheel.
4. Click the New button in the Manual Update Planning dialog box.
5. Choose desired Drawing Type (Point, Line or Area), and choose Category as Standard Orange.
6. Choose desired Symbol from the Symbol list box.
7. Click the Accept New Object button.
8. Click the Edit Properties button.
9. Click the Edit Position button.
10. Use the cursor and the left button to define position of symbol then click the Accept button. Now you have two
alternatives: If you want to add a text, then continue from step 11. Otherwise go to step 14.
Note: Select the cursor mode according to drawing type as shown below.
Drawing type
Cursor mode
Point: Set (Set Center)
Line: Select Chain
Select Point
Insert Point
Append Point
Set Center
Area: Select Chain
Select Point
Insert Point
Append Point
Set Center
11. If you would like to include textual information related to an orange symbol, click the Edit Properties and
values button.
12. Highlight Information in the right side box then click the << button to move it to the left hand box then highlight
it. Then, you can add textual information in the Property Value field. To enter text or numeric value, click inside
the box, spin the scrollwheel to choose character desired then push the scrollwheel. After entering all characters
desired, click the Accept List and Values button.
13. Click the Accept button.
14. Click the Accept Manual Updates as Permanent button.