12. User Chart Control
12.7 How to Import an Area to a User Chart
You can copy Areas of User Chart from another User Chart file to active User Chart file.
1. Click the Import button in the Area field, and the User Chart Import
dialog box appears.
2. In the Chart box, select chart from which to copy areas; spin the
scrollwheel to choose a chart then push the scrollwheel.
3. "Total record count" shows number of areas stored in chosen user chart.
Enter into the "First record to copy" field the area number from which
you want to start copying.
4. Enter in the "Number of records" field how many areas you want copy
into the active user chart file.
5. Click the Copy button to copy chosen areas. If you do not want copy,
click the X at the top right corner to quit.
12.7.1 How to add a new point, symbol, line or tidal to a user chart
In this manual the term "user chart object" refers to any of point, symbol, line or tidal. The procedure for modifying
a user chart object is common to all user chart objects. To choose a user chart object to modify, open the appropriate
user chart object page in the Plan User Chart dialog box.
To modify user chart areas, see section 12.6.5 Area page.
To add a new user chart object you have following two methods available:
• Use the left button (Edit Insert feature).
• Click the Add button in corresponding user chart object page.
To add a new user chart object by using the left button, do the following:
1. Open desired user chart object page.
2. Put the cursor in the electronic chart on the desired position then push the left button. New user chart object
3. Modify data of added user chart object. For how to modify point, symbol, line and tidal data, see section 12.7.2
How to change other data of point, symbol, line or tidal.
To add a new user chart object by using the Add button, do the following:
1. Open desired user chart object page.
2. Click the Add button in the chosen user chart object page. This adds a new user chart object to the end of file,
which is a copy of current user chart object.
3. Modify position of user object. Modify position following "How to change position of a point, symbol, line or
tidal" on the next page.
4. Modify other data of user chart object. For how to modify position, see section 12.7.2 How to change other data
of point, symbol, line or tidal.