20. Alerts
20.1 Introduction
FCR-2xx7 is designed to meet requirements set on paper "IMO MSC 252(83)" about use of alert concept instead of
alarm concept. Main purpose of this is to reduce continuous alarm bell ringing. In the new concept old alarms are
called as alerts and they are subdivided into 3 groups, out of which only alarm provide continuous alarm bell ringing
Alerts generated by Chart Radar are divided into three categories:
• Alarm, only the most urgent alerts that require your immediate attention. Color of alarm is red and they flash
and beep until acknowledged.
• Warning, most of alerts are in this category. Color of warning is yellow, in begin of warning there is a short
beep and they flash until acknowledged. If a warning is not acknowledged within 60 seconds then the short beep
is repeated.
• Caution, color of caution is yellow and it is used to indicate doubtful condition.
20.2 Overview
Alerts are displayed on the ENC screen at the lower right corner, indicated with "1" in the figure below. "2" in the
figure below is the Alert Box, where you acknowledge alerts and display the Alert Queue window that shows alerts
generated. To acknowledge an alert or display the Alert Queue window put the cursor in the alert area then push the
left mouse button to acknowledge an alert or push the right mouse button to display the Alert Queue window.
There are two kind of alerts generated by the ENC. To see a list of alerts, see section 20.10 List of Alerts.