Appendix 7: Abbreviations
Past track – time increments
Time increments are presented as
single lines perpendicular to the
past track.
Past track – past positions
Past positions are drawn as small
filled circular symbols.
Radar targets in acquisition
5 mm in diameter
Tracked radar targets
TT: Std or small user selection by
Symbol Display
3 mm in diameter
Tracked radar targets –
TT: Std or small user selection by
Symbol Display
2 mm in diameter
Tracked radar targets –
dangerous target
Dangerous target symbol is red
and it flash until acknowledged
5 mm in diameter
Sleeping AIS targets
Orientation is towards heading (or
COG if heading unknown).
If both heading and COG are
unknown the orientation is toward
top of display
Activated AIS targets
Orientation is towards heading (or
COG if heading unknown).
If both heading and COG are
unknown the orientation is toward
top of display
Activated AIS targets – true
scaled outline
- This can be displayed when
based on user selection either
beam width or length is more than
7.5 mm
- AIS outline: ON/OFF