or clock
_bur control is ,set to use a 12-hour clock. (/you
would pr@_r lo have a 24-hour mililary lime dock or
bla_k out the dock di@la3, fidlow the steps below.
pads (on double oven models, use the upper
oven controls) at the same time for 3 seconds
until the display shows "SIL"
2 Press the CLOCK pad once. The display will
show "12 hr." If this is the choice you want
press the START pad.
Press the CLOCK pad again to change to the
24-horn" military time clock. The display will
show "24 hr." l( this is the choice you want,
press the START pad.
Press the CLOCK pad again to black out the
clock display. The display will show "O[_[L ''
If this is the choice you want, press the
START pad.
N07_: [/lhe clock is i_ lhe blaek-oul mode, you will
r_ol be able lo use lhe Del( O' Slarl /itr_clior_.
shut o1/
With this fi, atare, shouhl you fi,]qr,t and leave the
oven on, the control will atttomatical(_' turr_ (_/ the
oven q]?er 12 hom:s durir_g" baki_g'J)mctions or q//¢r
3 hou_:s duri_g" a b_vil/)metion. (/you wish to turr_
(_[/lhis fl,atu_¢, fidlow the steps below.
Press the BAI_] and BROIL HIGH/LOW
pads (on double oven models, use the upper
oven controls) at the same time fi>r 3 seconds
tmtil the display shows "SF."
2 Press the DELAY START pad tmtil "no shdn"
(no shut-off) appears in the display.
3 Press the START pad to activate the no
shut-off and lea_e the control set in this
special ti_attu'es mode.
NOTF: 0_ double ove_ models, lhis aclivalas lhis
Spe_ial f,alto,_ i_ both ovet_,s.