Using the Convection Oven
I,l?ll[ Ov_n
In a con_,ection o_,en, a tilil circulates hot air ()_,ei;
under and around the food.
This circulating hot air is evenly distributed
throughout the oven cavity. As a result, toods are
evenly cooked and browned--_)flen in less time
with convection heat.
NOTE: TIw conva:tion fim will O'c[_on arm (?I/while,
cookint_"to lu<,_tdi,_lribule hot air in the oven,
T/w amvection /im shuts (?ffwlu<ntlw oven door i,s
opem<d.DO NOT leave tlw door openf>r lo_N"lm_7o& (>/
tinw while u,_ing"a>nvection _ooki_N"or you m(9' shorten
Tile comection tim circulates tile heated air exenlx
oxer and arotmd tile fi)od usino tile bake and broil
' O
_4hen comecfion baking with only 1 rack, use
CONVECTION BAKE 1 IL_CK m{d tot best results
place tile rack on shelt C or D at tile center of tile
o',en. Cook dines nlav decrease, so fi)od shouM be
checked earlier than i)ackage directions to make
S/lI'e that it does not oxercook.
Ideal fi)r cooking large casseroles and lasagna with
good results.
offsetrack(on27" models)
inthe lowestposition(A),
youwill needto use
rackout. Werecommend
thatyoupullthe rackout
usingtwopot holders,pull
therackoutby holdingthe
sidesofit. Theoffsetrack
is lowandyoucouldbe
burnedif you placeyour
handinthe middleofthe
rackandpull alltheway
out. Beverycarefulnotto
Because heated air is drculated evenly throughout
tile oven, fi)ods can be baked with excellent results
using multiple racks.
Tile al/IO/Int of tillle required for multi-rack
baking may increase slightly for soine foods, but
overall time is saved because two to three times as
much fi)od is cooked at once. (',()()!des, muffins,
biscuits, and other quick breads give good results
with multi-rack baking.
27" Ovens
When baking on 3 racks, divide tile oven into
thirds by placing the offset rack in the third (C)
rack position and the straight racks in fi_t (A) and
fimrth (O) rack positions.
For two-rack baking, place the offset rack in the
bottom (A) rack position. Place the straight rack in
the third (C) rack position.
30" Ovens
When baking on 3 racks, place one rack in tile
second (B) position, one in the fimrth (D)
position and one in the 6th (F) position. For
cookies, place one rack in the third (C) position,
one in the 5th (E) position and one in the 6th (F)
Multi-rackposition27" oven
Multi-rack position 30" oven
You can use your fi_vorite redpes in tile
convection oven.
When convection baking, reduce baking
temperature by 25°F or activate the Auto Redpe ''_
(_onve_ion fl_atm'e. See tile S/:e(ial Feallo'es section.
Use pan size recommended.
Some package instructions fi)r fl'ozen casseroles
or main dishes have been develol)ed using
coi//illercial convection ovens. For best results
in this oven, preheat tile oven and use tile
temperature on tile package.