Using the Self Cleaning Oven
I,l?/// Oven
Be/'OT(? (I
dean cycle
77w oven door must be closed and all conm, Ls
mu,sl be ,set _or*_cllyfin" the _ycle to wod; properly.
X,_erecmmnend venting your kitchen with an
open window or using a xentilation tim or hood
dm'ing the first sell:clean cxcle.
Remoxe tile broiler pan, broiler grid, probe,
all cookware and am almninmn foil from
the ox,en,
Gray porcelain-coated oven racks (including tile
offset rack) may remain in tile oven during tile
selt:cleaning cycle without being damaged. The
convection roasting rack and nickel-plated oven
racks (including the offset rack) may remain in
the oven dm'ing the seltXcleaning cycle, but they
will darken and become hard to slide.
Do not rise abrasixes or oxen cleaners. (]lean
the top, sides and outside of the oxen door
with soap and water.
Make sure tile oxen light bulb coxer (on some
models) is in place and the oxen light is off.
IMPORTANT: Tile health of SOlne birds is
extremely sensitive to the tirades given off
during tile sell'cleaning c)'cle of any ()veil.
Move birds to another well-ventilated room.
On double oven models, you can sel a clean eycle in
bolh oven,s al lhe ,same lime. The la,sl oven ,sel ruill
aulomali_ally delay ils slarl unlil lhe end c_/ lhe fi*:sl
oven is clean cycle,
On double oven models, )ou can use timed baking in
one oven and ,self:dean lhe olher al lhe ,same lime,
How to set
the oven jot
1 Press tile SELF CLEAN STD/LOW pad once
for a 4-horn" clean time or twice fin" a 3-horn
clean time.
A 3-hour sell:clean time is recommended fl_r
use when cleaning small, contained spills. A
self:clean time of 4 hours or longer is
recommended for a dirtier oven.
2 If a time other than 4 horns or 3 horn's is
needed, use the nmnber pads and enter the
desired clean time.
You can cham*e tile clean time to am time
between 3 hours and 5 hours, dei)ending, on
how dirt_ _(mr oxen is.
3 Press tile START pad.
The door locks automatically. Tile display
will show the clean time remaining. It will
not be possible to open tile oven door tmtil tile
temperatm'e drops below tile lock temperatm'e
and the I,OCIZED light goes off.
_'_ hen tile I,OCKED li,*ht goes off you will be
able to open the door.
• The word "I,OCK" will flash and tile oven
control will signal if xou set the clean cycle
_lll(1 forget to close tile oxen door.
• To stop a clean cycle, press tile CLEAR/OFF
pad. When the I,OCKED light goes off
indicating the oven has cooled below the
locking temperatm'e, you will be able to
open tile door.
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