Special Features
Wall Oven
t' threnheit
or Celsius
_bur oven conlrol i,s sel lo use lhe Fakre_keil
lemperalure seleclions, bul you may eha_ge lkis
to use the Cel,siu,s ,se#clio_,s.
1 Press the BAKE and BROIL HIGH/LOW
pads (on double oven models, use the upper
oven controls) at the same time ti)r 3 seconds
until the display shows "SK"
2 Press the BROIL HIGH/LOW and COOK
TIME pads at the same time. The display will
show "F" ([_ahrenheit).
TIME pads again at the same time. This will
show "(7' (Celsius).
3 Press the START pad. The new setting will be
displayed tot both ovens.
NOTF: On double over_ mode& the uew setti*_e,"will
be disJdayed Jbr both ove_,s.
A "llt o
1,17zenusir_g"eonve( tion bake, the Auto I_ecipe'"
Couver,siou /kature will automatically _onvert entered
r_q'ular bakir_g"lempe*r_tu*_¢,_to _onvection baki_g"
Once lhe fi_alu_, is activaled, the displa)' will show lhe
actual couve*'ted (*_,duced) tempe*vltu*_. For example,
!Jyou er_te*"a _z'g'ular rec@e tempe*rltare (_/ 350°F and
pre,_sthe START pad, the display will show "CON"
and the converted tempe*rlture ({/"325°t{"
NO_I_2: ThisJ;¢alure doe,s not co*n_erlconveclio*_bake
eooki_g"lime,s,o_dy r(_q'ularbaki_g lem/)eralures.
To Activate the Feature:
1 Press the BAKE and BROIL HIGH/LOW
pads (on double oven Inodels, use the upper
oven controls) at the same time fl)r 3
seconds, until the display shows "SE"
2 Press the CONV BAKE/1 RACK pad. The
display will show "CON OFE" Press the
CONV BAKE/1 RACK pad again. The
display will show "CON ON."
3 Press the START pad.
To deactivate the feature, repeat steps 1-3
abme but press the START pad when "CON
OFF" is in the display.