
9Ć4 Product History and Service Notes
Obtaining Service Notes with Graphics
You can access a WCSO (Worldwide Customer Support Operation) server from a PC or UNIX
workstation to obtain service notes with graphics.
From a PC
1 Go to the MSĆDOS screen.
2 Type what is marked in bold letters below, pressing
Enter at the end of each line:
C:\> addname wcsolmx
C:\> NET USE j: \\wcsolmx\snotes
C:\> j:
J:\> dir
J:\> cd cso_cpo
J:\cso_cpo> dir
3 See the readme.txt file for more information.
4 When you have downloaded the files you need, please disconnect from the server, since
there are only a limited number of connections available:
J:\> c:
C:\> NET USE j: /d
From a UNIX Workstation
1 Go to the system prompt.
2 Type what is marked in bold letters below, pressing
Enter at the end of each line:
Name (...): snotes
(Just press Enter)
ftp> ls
ftp> cd cso_cpo
ftp> ls
3 See the readme.txt file for more information.
4 When you have downloaded the files you need, please disconnect from the server, since
there are only a limited number of connections available:
ftp> bye