Updating to HP-UX 11i v2
Updating to HP-UX 11i v2
Chapter 6 101
Step 2. Find the DVD-ROM device file name:
ioscan -f -C disk | more
/dev/dsk/c1t2d0 is a typical device name.
Step 3. Create the directory under root(/):
mkdir /dvdrom
Step 4. Mount the DVD onto the new directory as a file system. For example:
mount /dev/dsk/c1t2d0 /dvdrom
Step 5. Using either ksh, Posix-sh or Bourne shell, install update-ux on the
target system.
From the DVD
swinstall -s /dvdrom Update-UX
From a depot The depot example uses the following syntax:
swinstall -s depot_server:/var/depots/my_depot Update-UX
Step 2: Using update-ux to Update to HP-UX 11i v2
After you have installed update-ux on the target system (see “Step 1:
Installing the update-ux Command (Required Task)” on page 100) and,
optionally, created an update depot containing all software to be
installed, (see “Optional Step: Creating a Network Depot” on page 99),
you can now proceed to update your target system. Use the following
syntax to run update-ux:.