Installing Patches and Applications
Keeping Up to Date with the Latest Critical Patches
Chapter 8126
Keeping Up to Date with the Latest Critical
After you installed HP-UX 11i v2, you will have the latest critical
patches installed on your system that shipped with the media.
However, other recommended critical or required patches may have
become available after the initial release of the media. You should check
on a regular, proactive basis to see if Hewlett-Packard has released any
new, recommended critical patches.
HP-UX Patching Resources
You should install any additional recommended critical or required
patches to your base OS and applications which may have occurred since
the initial HP-UX 11i v2 install media was produced.
Using the Custom
Patch Manager
You can identify and download all needed patches for your system by
using the HP Custom Patch Manager:
NOTE As of this release, use of CPM requires a current support contract or it
may be used on a fee-per-use basis.
If you are already registered, log in with your user ID and password. If
you are not registered, follow the instructions on the screen. Remember
to save your user ID and password.
CPM will identify recommended patches for your system and all required
dependencies. Once you have downloaded needed patches, install them
using the swinstall command, as explained in “Installing OS Patches
Required by Individual Applications” on page 128.