Software Distribution Media
HP-UX 11i v2 Default-Installed Software Bundles
Appendix D 175
HP-UX 11i v2 Default-Installed Software
The following software bundles are installed on all operating
environments by default. You can deselect any of these bundles before
you install or update your system.
Table D-5 HP-UX 11i v2 Default-Installed Software
Bundles (all OEs)
Description Bundle Name
HP-UX Bastille Security Tool B6849AA
GTK+ Libraries B6848BA
Install-Time Security Infrastructure Sec00Tools
HP-UX IPFilter B9901AA
Judy Libraries Judy
Mozilla Application Suite MOZILLA
Mozilla Source Distribution MOZILLAsrc
Netscape 7.0 B6835AA
Partition Manager ParMgr
Perl 5.8 Programming Language perl
HP-UX Secure Shell T1471AA
Security Patch Check B6834AA
Servicecontrol Manager B8339BA
HP-UX Web Server Suite
HP-UX Apache-based Web Server hpuxwsApache
HP-UX Tomcat-based Servlet Engine hpuxwsTomcat