
Updating to HP-UX 11i v2
Updating to HP-UX 11i v2
Chapter 6 107
In the above command, update-ux installs the HP-UX 11i v2 Foundation
Operating Environment bundles listed on Appendix D, “Software
Distribution Media,” on page 161, plus the Sec30DMZ security
configuration bundle (including HP-UX Bastille, Perl, HP-UX IPFilter -
included in Sec00Tools).
If you only want to update your system with a selectable software
bundle, enter:
/usr/sbin/update-ux -s /dvdrom Sec30DMZ
NOTE If you select more than one HP-UX Bastille security configuration
bundle, for example Sec20MngDMZ and Sec30DMZ, the highest level of
security will be applied to your system.
IMPORTANT HP-UX Bastille’s security model is such that it provides incrementally
higher security (metaphorically, like a ratchet). As a result, you can
update from a lower security level to a higher security level (example:
Sec10Host to Sec20MngDMZ.
If you intend to downgrade from a higher security level to a lower
security level, HP recommends that you run bastille -r before you
update your system to ensure that only the security settings you wanted
in the lower security level are applied. Otherwise, you may encounter
some security configurations left over from the previous security settings
applied by HP-UX Bastille.
Step 2. Complete any configuration for HP software explained in the HP-UX 11i
v2 Release Notes available on the Instant Information DVD and on
http://docs.hp.com/hpux/os/11iv2. In this example, to complete the
HP-UX Bastille installation, see the security chapter in the Managing
Systems and Workgroups manual.