
60 OUTPUT 70914;"SCAN (@100:215)"!Selects the channel list; 100
selects the first channel of module
#1 and 215 selects the last channel
of module #2.
70 OUTPUT 70914;"INIT" !Close first channel to start the
scanning cycle
80 FOR I = 1 TO 32 !Start count loop
90 ENTER 722;A !Enter reading into variable A
100 PRINT A !Print reading in variable A
110 TRIGGER 70914 !Trigger the switchbox to advance
the scan list
120 NEXT I !Increment count
130 END
Figure 3-4. Scanning Channels 100 to 215 of a Two-Module Switchbox
Chapter 3 Using the HP E1351A/53A FET Multiplexer Modules 37