Example Opening Multiplexer Channels
This example opens channel 00 of a multiplexer module card number 1 and
channel 15 of multiplexer module card number 2 in a single switchbox.
OPEN (@100,215) 100 opens channel 00 of card #1;
215 opens channel 15 of card #2.
OPEN? [ROUTe:]OPEN? <channel_list> returns the current state of the channel(s)
queried. The channel list is in the form (@ccnn). The command returns 1
if the channel is open or returns 0 if the channel is closed.
Comments • Query is Software Readback: The [ROUTe:]OPEN? command
returns the current software state of the channel(s) specified. It does
not account for relay hardware failures.
Example Query Multiplexer Channel Open State
OPEN (@100,215) 100 opens channel 00 of card #1;
215 opens channel 15 of card #2.
OPEN? (@215) Query state of channel 215.
SCAN [ROUTe:]SCAN <channel_list> defines the channels to be scanned. The
channel_list has the form (@ccnn), (@ccnn,ccnn), (@ccnn:ccnn) or
(@ccnn:ccnn,ccnn:ccnn) where cc = card number (00-99) and nn = channel
number (00-15).
Parameter Name Parameter Type Range of Values
Numeric cc00 - cc15
Comments • Channel List: Valid channel lists are:
– a single channel, use (@ccnn);
– for multiple channels, use (@ccnn,ccnn);
– sequential channels, use (@ccnn:ccnn);
– a group of sequential channels, use (@ccnn:ccnn,ccnn:ccnn);
– or any combination.
• Defining the Channel List. When executing [ROUTe:]SCAN, the
channel list is checked for valid card and channel numbers. An error
is generated for an invalid channel list.
• Downloading a Scanning List: The channel_list is automatically
downloaded into RAM on the FET multiplexer modules for
TRIG:SOUR DBUS and TRIG:SOUR IMM trigger modes. The
complete list is downloaded onto each module in an instrument. The
channels are advanced with no direct intervention by the mainframe
CPU during the scan. If an instrument contains mixed modules
(FET and Relay Multiplexers), the scan list will not be downloaded.
Chapter 5 HP E1351A/53A 16-Channel FET Multiplexer Command Reference 65