• Scanning Operation: With a valid channel list,
INITiate[:IMMediate] starts the scanning cycle and closes the first
channel in the channel list. Successive triggers from the source
specified by
TRIGger:SOURce advances the scan through the
channel list.
• Stopping Scan: See the ABORt command.
• Related Commands: TRIGger, TRIGger:SOURce
• *RST Condition: All multiplexers channels are open.
Example Scanning Using External Instruments
The following example shows how to scan channels using the HP E1300A/
E1301A Mainframe via HP-IB and an HP 3457A Digital Multimeter. This
example uses the mainframe’s "Trig Out" port to synchronize the
multiplexer module in a switchbox to the multimeter. The trigger pulse
from the port triggers the multimeter for a measurement. See Chapters 2
and 3 for typical user connections to the multiplexer.
The computer used in the example is an HP Series 200/300 with HP BASIC
as the program language. The computer interfaces with the mainframe over
HP-IB. Assumed is an HP-IB select code of 7, an HP-IB primary address of
09 and 22 for the HP E1300A/E1301A Mainframe and HP 3457A
Multimeter, respectively, and an HP-IB secondary address of 14 for the
10 OUTPUT 722;"TRIG EXT;DCV" !Sets multimeter to external trigger
and to measure dc volts
20 OUTPUT 70914;"OUTP ON" !Enables "Trig Out" port
30 OUTPUT 70914;"TRIG:SOUR BUS" !Sets switchbox to receive bus
40 OUTPUT 70914;"SCAN:MODE VOLT"!Sets switchbox to measure
voltage during scanning
50 OUTPUT 70914; "SCAN:PORT ABUS"!Sets switchbox to close the
appropriate tree switches during
60 OUTPUT 70914;"SCAN (@100:115)"!Selects the channel list
70 OUTPUT 70914;"INIT" !Starts scanning cycle
80 FOR I = 1 TO 16 !Start count loop
90 ENTER 722;A !Enter reading into variable A
100 PRINT A !Print reading in variable A
110 TRIGGER 70914 !Trigger the switchbox to advance
the channel list
120 NEXT I !Increment count
130 END
66 HP E1351A/53A 16-Channel FET Multiplexer Command Reference Chapter 5