Example Closing Multiplexer Channels
This example closes channel 00 of a multiplexer module card number 1 and
channel 15 of multiplexer module card number 2 in a single switchbox.
CLOS (@100,215) 100 closes channel 00 of card #1;
215 closes channel 15 of card #2.
CLOSe? [ROUTe:]CLOSe? <channel_list> returns the current state of the
channel(s) queried. The channel list is in the form (@ccnn). The command
returns 1 if channels are closed and returns 0 if the channels are open.
Comments • Query is Software Readback: The [ROUTe:]CLOSe? command
returns the current software state of the channel specified. It does
not account for relay hardware failures.
Example Query Multiplexer Channel Closure
CLOS (@100,215) 100 closes channel 00 of card #1;
215 closes channel 15 of card #2.
CLOS? (@215) Query channel 215.
OPEN [ROUTe:]OPEN <channel_list> opens the multiplexer channels specified
in the channel_list. The channel_list is in the form (@ccnn), (@ccnn,ccnn),
(@ccnn:ccnn) or (@ccnn:ccnn,ccnn:ccnn) where cc = card number (00-99)
and nn = channel number (00-15).
Parameter Name Parameter Type Range of Values
Numeric cc00 - cc15
Comments • Opening Channels: To open:
– use [ROUTe:]OPEN (@ccnn) for a single channel;
– use [ROUTe:]OPEN (@ccnn,ccnn) for multiple channels;
– use [ROUTe:]OPEN (@ccnn:ccnn) for sequential channels;
– use [ROUTe:]OPEN (@ccnn:ccnn,ccnn:ccnn) for a group of
sequential channels;
– or any combination.
Opening order for multiple channels with a single command is not
• Open Channels: Opening an already open channel has no effect.
• Related Commands: [ROUTe:]CLOSe, [ROUTe:]OPEN?
• *RST Condition: All multiplexer channels are open.
64 HP E1351A/53A 16-Channel FET Multiplexer Command Reference Chapter 5