
Font Header Format
Underline Position (Distance) (SB)
Bitmap Font
- Specifies the distance from the baseline to the top dot
row of the underline in font design dots. Zero specifies an underline
position at the baseline. A positive value specifies an underline
position above the baseline. A negative value specifies an underline
position below the baseline.
Scalable Font
- Set Underline Position to zero. The Master Underline
Position field (see below) identifies this information for scalable fonts.
Underline Thickness (UB)
Specifies the thickness of the underline in font design dots for a
bitmap font.
Bitmap Font
- A bitmap font prints three-dot thick underlines at 300
dpi (six-dot thick at 600 dpi).
Scalable Fon
t - Set Underline Thickness to zero. The Master
Underline Thickness field (see below) identifies this information
for scalable fonts.
Text Height (UI)
Specifies the font’s optimum inter-line spacing. This value is typically
equal to 120% of the height of the font.
Bitmap Font
- Specified in quarter-dots (radix dots).
Scalable Fonts
- Specified in design units.
Text Width (UI)
Specifies the font’s average lowercase character width. (This average
width may be weighted on the basis of relative frequency.)
Bitmap Font
- Specified in quarter-dots (radix dots).
Scalable Font
- Specified in design units.