
CO, Comment
The IW command lets you control the size of the HP-GL/2 printing
area so that you can draw a particular portion of a drawing. You can
leave the rest as white space, or use the remaining area for labels, or
another drawing. Refer to “The Vector Graphic Limits” in Chapter 17,
and the IW command description later in this chapter.
CO, Comment
This command allows comments to be inserted within an HP-GL/2
command sequence. The comment string of the CO command must
be delimited by double quotes.
text ... text
HP-GL/2 comments are ignored by the printer.
DF, Default Values
This command returns the printer’s HP-GL/2 settings to the factory
default settings. Use the Default Values (DF) command to return the
printer to a known state while maintaining the current locations of P1
and P2 (unlike the IN command). When you use DF at the beginning
of a command sequence, graphics parameters such as character
size, slant, or scaling are defaulted.
The DF command resets the printer to the conditions listed in Table
Table 19-7 Default Conditions
Function Command Default Condition
Anchor Corner AC Anchor corner (not the
same as the picture frame
anchor point) set to
lower-left corner of PCL
Picture Frame, relative to
the current coordinate
Alternate Font
AD Stick Font (11.5-pt., 9-cpi,
upright, medium)
Character Fill Mode CF Solid fill, no edging.