20-28 The Vector Group
Table 20-17 Example: Drawing Circles with Different Radii and
Line Types
E Reset the printer.
%ØB Enter HP-GL/2 mode.
IN; Initialize HP-GL/2 mode.
SP1; Select pen number 1 (black).
SC-75,75,-75,75,1; Set up user scaling with (-75,-75) as P1 and
(75,75) as P2; the "1" parameter specifies
isotropic scaling.
PA0,0; Specify absolute plotting and move to
user-unit location (0,0).
LT;CI5; Specify a default line type (solid) and draw a
circle with a radius of 5 user-units.
LT0;CI-12; Select line type 0 (dotted) and draw a circle
with a radius of 12 user-units (the minus
sign indicates starting at the 180° point).
LT1;CI19;LT2; CI-26; Select line type 1 and draw a circle with a
radius of 19 user-units. Then select line
type 2 and draw a circle with a radius of
26 user-units.
LT3;CI33;LT4; CI-40; Select line type 3, draw a circle with a
radius of 33 user-units. Then select line
type 4 and draw a circle with radius of
40 user-units.
LT5;CI47;LT6;CI54; Draw the outer two circles; the first with a
line type of 5 and a radius of 47 user-units;
the second with a line type of 6 and a radius
of 54 user-units.
%ØA Enter the PCL mode.
E Send a reset to end the job and eject the