Troubleshooting Checklist B-3
◆ The cable between your computer or network and the
print server may not be securely connected at both ends.
Refer to the print server manual for more information.
◆ Your computer may not be working properly. Run an
application that you know works correctly and print to
be sure.
◆ The computer’s port may not be working properly. Print
to another output device that you know works correctly
(and is not connected to the print server) to check this.
◆ There may be another error condition reported by the
print server.
5. Is the print quality good?
YES: Then the problem is not covered in this checklist.
Contact MacDermid ColorSpan Technical Services.
NO: The following could be the problem:
◆ Banding or general poor image quality — the print-
heads may need to be calibrated (see Chapter 4, Cali-
brating the Printer). One or more ink jets may be
clogged or not firing (see “Loading Roll-Fed Media” on
page 3-16). The media advance may need to be recali-
brated (see “Media Feed” on page 4-6). Verify that the
printhead carriage is at the proper height (see “Set the
Printhead and Camera Height” on page 5-12). Verify
that the service station is calibrated (see page 5-17).
◆ Inaccurate color or under- or over-saturated output —
the wrong color profile may be selected at the print
server or RIP. Refer to the documentation that accompa-
nies the print server or RIP.
◆ Inaccurate color or lack of detail — one or more ink jets
may be clogged or not firing (see “Loading Roll-Fed
Media” on page 3-16).
◆ Media buckling or media feed problems — the wrong
media could be selected in the Media Wizard (see
“Media Wizard” on page 3-44). The printer may not
have been installed squarely or securely on the stand
(see “Unpacking and Assembly” on page 1-7). The
media may not have been loaded squarely (see “Load-
ing Roll-Fed Media” on page 3-16).