B-4 Troubleshooting Checklist
◆ Head strike — if the printhead is striking the media,
check how the media is tracking from the supply spool
to the takeup spool. The sides of the media should be
parallel to the sides of the printer, with no wrinkling or
buckling. If necessary, reload the media. See “Loading
Roll-Fed Media” on page 3-16 for instructions. Also
check the Media Wizard to see whether the correct
media is selected (see “Media Wizard” on page 3-44).
Head strikes may indicate that the printhead height is
too low; see “Set the Printhead and Camera Height” on
page 5-12 for instructions. If head strikes become a recur
frequently, contact MacDermid ColorSpan Technical Ser-
vices for an edge retainer that can be attached to the