
3-42 Edge-to-Edge Printing
Printer Setup
The operator applies colored masking tape to the platen
where the right and left edges of the media will feed, to pre-
vent overprinting onto the platen.
The operator sets the head height over the media.
The operator configures the following options on the printer
control panel:
Menu > Printer Settings > Margin Settings > Left &
Right Margin: 0 inches, Overprint Distance: 0.25 inches
Menu > Printer Settings > Margin Settings > Leading
Margin: 0 inches
Menu > Printer Settings > Margin Settings > Trailing
Margin: 6.5 inches
Menu > Printer Settings > Print Position: Center
Menu > Printer Settings > Media Measure Type:
Media length (entered during Load Media): 102.5
inches = 96.0 inch media length + 6.5 inch trailer
Fig. 3-23. Edge-to-edge printing terminology
Trailing edge
Nominal print area
Left overprint
Right overprint
Leading edge
Media feed direction