Edge-to-Edge Printing 3-41
◆ If the printer reports that the media is skewed, but you can-
not correct the skew, the sheet may not be perfectly square
(90-degree corners with parallel sides). In this case, ensure
that the right edge of the media (closest to the control
panel) is parallel to the direction of media feed. (You can use
the fence on the input (rear) table as a guide after squaring
it to the platen.) Then use the procedures described previ-
ously to ensure enough overprinting to account for the
shape of the sheet. If insufficient overprinting occurs, the
sheet may need to be trimmed for a bleed effect.
Example Document Design
◆ Media size: 48x96 inches (4x8 feet)
◆ Bleeds: Full bleed
◆ Document size in application software: 48.5 inches x 96.0
inches, to include an overprint of 0.25 inches on the left and
right edges (the printer will not overprint the leading edge,
to avoid feeding the media over wet ink on the platen)
Media Properties
◆ The operator selects a flat sheet of 4x8-foot media with
opposite sides parallel and all four corners at 90 degree
◆ The operator attaches a trailer that is 6.5 inches (16.5 cm)
long and 48 inches wide to the trailing edge of the media,
applying the adhesive tape to the back side.
Fig. 3-22. Feeding a non-square sheet