1-18 Printer and Troubleshooting Overview
Confirming Line Power
Erratic printer problems can be caused by improper line power. As a rule, the voltage of
the outlet should be checked at installation. However, if you are unable to isolate an inter-
mittent problem, the power should be checked again. Consult your country’s national elec-
tric code for the proper procedures to check for acceptable voltages, as shown in Table 1-
3, “Acceptable Voltages”.
Please see Chapter 5, “Diagnostic Tests” for additional information about running diag-
nostic printer tests.
Please see Chapter 6, “Wiring Diagrams and Electrical Data” for additional information
about the printer’s electrical systems.
Table 1-3. Acceptable Voltages
Probe connections 100-127v printer 200-240v printer
red to AC hot
black to AC neutral
120v +/- 10% 230v +/- 10%
red to AC neutral
black to ground
3 vac or less 3 vac or less
red to AC hot
black to ground
120v +/- 10% 230v +/- 10%