
SRM Console A-37
A.15 Using Environment Variables
Environment variables pass configuration information between the
console and the operating system. Their settings determine how the
system powers up, boots the operating system, and operates. You issue an
init command to activate a new environment variable.
Environment variables are set or changed with the set envar command (where
envar is a placeholder for the environment to be changed) and set to default values
with the set -default envar command. Their values are viewed with the show
envar command. User-defined nonvolatile environment variables are created with
the edit command described in Section A.5.
A.15.1 set envar
The set command sets or modifies the value of an environment variable.
It can also be used to create a new environment variable if the name used
is unique. Environment variables are used to pass configuration
information between the console and the operating system. The setting of
these variables determines how the system powers up, boots the
operating system, and operates.
Syntax: set [-default] envar value
Restores an environment variable to its default setting.
The name of the environment variable to be displayed. The
wildcard * displays all environment variables, which are:
console, kbd_hardware_type, language, ocp_text,
and os_type.
The new value of the environment variable.
Whenever you modify the value of any environment variables, the new value takes
effect only after you reset the system by pressing the Halt button or issuing the
initialize command.