
Cover removal, 2-5
CPU, 1-1, 3-1
cpu_enabled environment variable, SRM,
crash command, SRM, A-4, A-36
Crash dump, A-36
deposit command, SRM, A-4, A-41
Depositing data, A-41
Device naming conventions, SRM, A-12
Dimensions, 1-8
Disk controller
Ultra3SCSI, 1-3
power-up, 3-3
display command, LFU, 3-25
Display fan status, 5-6
Displaying system configuration, A-9
Displaying the value or setting of an
environment variable, A-38
Double Data Rate (DDR) transfers, 1-2
DS20L system features, 1-1
edit command, SRM, A-4, A-39
ei*0_inet_init environment variable,
SRM, 3-10
ei*0_protocols environment variable
SRM, 3-11
Ejecting a CD, 1-11
EMC specifications, 1-7
enable_wol environment variable, SRM,
A-46, A-55
Enclosure, 1-4
Environment variables, SRM, A-37
auto_action, 3-3
boot_file, 3-13, 3-15, A-32
boot_flags, A-32
boot_osflags, 3-13, 3-15
bootdef_dev, 3-13, 3-15, A-32
displaying the value or setting, A-38
modifying, A-37
os_type, 3-3
password, A-33
setting, A-37
summary, A-45
Environmental requirements
altitude, 1-7
airflow and quality, 1-7
dissipation, 1-6
maximum wet bulb temperature, 1-6
relative humidity, 1-6
temperature, 1-6
Environmental specifications, 1-6
Ethernet, specifying controller type, A-
50, A-55
ew*0_inet_init environment variable,
SRM, 3-10
ew*0_mode environment variable, SRM,
A-45, A-50
ew*0_protocols environment variable
SRM, 3-11
ew*0_protocols environment variable,
SRM, A-45, A-50
examine command, SRM, A-4, A-41
Examing data, A-41
exit command, LFU, 3-22, 3-25
Expansion ports, 1-3
External L2 cache, 1-2
Factory-installed software (FIS), 3-4
Fan failure
fan status display, 5-6
Fan status display, 5-6
Fans, 1-4
Finding help
SRM console, A-44
Firmware, 1-3
updating, 3-21, 3-22
updating from network device, 3-23
updating from SRM, A-35
updating, SRM command, 3-21