Operation 3-21
3.3 Updating Firmware
Start the Loadable Firmware Update (LFU) utility by issuing the lfu
command at the SRM console prompt, booting it from the CD-ROM
while in the SRM console.
Example 3– 6 Starting LFU from the SRM Console
Revision levels and devices listed are for example only; your results may vary.
>>> lfu
Checking dqb0. for the option firmware files. . .
Option firmware files were not found on CD or floppy.
If you want to load the options firmware,
please enter the device on which the files are located(ewa0),
or just hit <return> to proceed with a standard console update: dqb0
Please enter the name of the options firmware files list, or
Hit <return> to use the default filename (ds20lfw.txt) :
Copying filename.txt from dqb0. . .
Copying filename1.ROM from dqb0. . .
Copying filename2.ROM from dqb0. . .
***** Loadable Firmware Update Utility *****
Function Description
Display Displays the system’s configuration table.
Exit Done exit LFU (reset).
List Lists the device, revision, firmware name, and update revision.
Readme Lists important release information.
Update Replaces current firmware with loadable data image.
Verify Compares loadable and hardware images.
? or Help Scrolls this function table.
UPD> update *
Confirm update on:
WARNING: updates may take several minutes to complete for each device.
srm Updating to 5.9-16... Verifying 5.9-16... PASSED.
UPD> exit