Quick Start Guide
Filename: sa3rwqs.doc Title: HP-Print2k.dot
Template: HP-Print2K.dot Author: JimL Last Saved By: kimt
Revision #: 164 Page: 91 of 122 Printed: 10/17/02 03:42 PM
DVD+RW/+R drive, 64
using correct disc, 64
Easy Internet Sign-up, xv, 42
Eject button, 53
address, 35
keyboard button, 19
receiving, 46
sending, 46
tour, xxi
using Outlook Express, 47
erased software, 78
Ethernet adapter, connecting, 39
faxes, standby mode, 29
floppy disk. See diskette
freeing up hard disk space, 86
hard disk cleanup, 87
hard disk drive, freeing up space, 86
hard disk space
available, 87
increasing, 87
recovery partition, xxv
hardware warranties, 44
MusicMatch Jukebox, 56
on the Web, 44
over the telephone, 8
Windows Media Player, 58
Help and Support, xviii
opening, 11
Help button, 19
hibernation mode, 28, 30
automatic, 31
manual, 30
high-speed Internet
connection, 39
home Web page, 43
HP button, 18
HP Center, 67
reading messages, 68
re-enabling, 69
starting, 68
turning off service, 68
HP drivers
finding, xx, 44
updating, 44
HP Pavilion
learning to use, xix, 11
HP Pavilion PC Tools, xx, 65
HP Picture Toolkit button, 20
HP Tour Guide, xxi, 65
HP Web site, 44
finding service locations, 44
getting replacement parts,
Windows XP Help, xxiii, 4
about, 33
browser programs, 42
browsing the Web, 36
connecting to, 37, 42
Easy Internet Sign-up, xv, 42
finding an ISP, 41
high-speed connection, 39
ISP-provided browser, 43