
Quick Start Guide
Filename: sa3rwqs.doc Title: HP-Print2k.dot
Template: HP-Print2K.dot Author: JimL Last Saved By: kimt
Revision #: 164 Page: 13 of 122 Printed: 10/17/02 03:42 PM
Use the wheel button in the middle of the
mouse to scroll or select items on the screen.
You can use the scrolling mouse in these ways:
Scroll through a document without having to
click the scroll bar on the screen.
Use the autoscroll feature to have the
document scroll automatically.
Skim through a document.
The Scroll Feature
Click the left mouse button to place the cursor in
the document. To scroll toward the beginning of
a document, roll the mouse wheel up (away from
you). To scroll toward the end of a document, roll
the wheel down (toward you).
The Autoscroll Feature
The autoscroll feature allows you to read
through a document while the document scrolls
1 To use autoscroll, place the cursor next to the
text where you want to begin scrolling and
press the wheel button once. An autoscroll icon
2 To begin scrolling, move the mouse in the
direction you want to scroll. The farther you
move the pointer from the starting point, the
faster the document scrolls.
3 To stop autoscroll, press the wheel button