Quick Start Guide
Filename: sa3rwqs.doc Title: HP-Print2k.dot
Template: HP-Print2K.dot Author: JimL Last Saved By: kimt
Revision #: 164 Page: 93 of 122 Printed: 10/17/02 03:42 PM
Net. See Internet, about
network cable warning, 40
network interface adapter
about, 39
connecting, 39
network interface card, 39
NIC, 39
no sound, 72
Off button. See shutting down computer
On button, 6
online manuals, 4, 44, 45
onscreen guides, 65
operating system, 11
reinstalling, 81
operating system help, xxiv, 4
Outlook Express
receiving e-mail, 48
sending e-mail, 47
panning, scrolling mouse, 14
peripherals, 6
playing DVD movies, 59
disc types, 64
Plug and Play, xi
Power button, 6
power management settings,
modifying, 31
Print button, 19
not working, 76
printer, troubleshooting, 72
computer not working, 73
DVD-R disc not working, 64
DVD-RW disc not
working, 64
keyboard, 74, 75, 76
monitor, 74
mouse, 76
no sound, 72
printer, 72
troubleshooting, 71
turning on computer, 71
problem resolution,
troubleshooting, xix, 71
product notices, 67
receiving e-mails, 46
reconfiguring keyboard buttons,
RecordNow program, 59
recovering system
recovery CDs, xxv
System Restore, 77
using CDs, 81
Recovery CD Creator, 81
recovery CDs, xxv
region code, 62
registering with HP, xiv, 7
reinstalling software, 78, 79, 88
removing unneeded software, 87
repetitive strain injury (RSI), 9
replacement parts, 44
restoring system, 77
RJ-45 port, 40
safety warnings, 1
saving electricity, 28
scrolling mouse, 12