HP Pavilion home PC
Filename: sa3rwqs.doc Title: HP-Print2k.dot
Template: HP-Print2K.dot Author: JimL Last Saved By: kimt
Revision #: 164 Page: 36 of 122 Printed: 10/17/02 03:42 PM
How Do I Search the Internet?
The browser program you use includes a Search
feature. You may need to click a button or select
the feature from a menu to display it, depending
on the type of browser program it is.
The Search feature provides a box where you
enter a question or a word that describes the
information you want to find. If you enter one or
a few general words, you may get many general
results. If you enter several precise words, you
usually get fewer but more specific results.
The Windows Search feature includes direct
access to the Internet Explorer Search. (If the
ISP provides the browser, you may not be able
to use Internet Explorer to search the Internet.)
To begin a search:
1 Click Start on the taskbar.
2 Click Search.
3 Click Search the Internet. (You may have
to scroll down in the list to see this option.)
4 Type a word or question into the Search box.
5 Click Search.
The computer connects to the Internet (if needed),
performs the search, and displays the results.
Click a link in the results list to display the
Web page.
There are also Web sites specifically created for
searching the Internet. These are called search
engines. Search engines use a number of ways
to find information.