Statistics Programs 16–3
Program Listing:
Program Lines:
(In RPN mode)
This routine sets, the status for the straight–line model.
Enters index value for later storage in i (for indirect
Clears flag 0, the indicator for ln X.
Clears flag 1, the indicator for In Y.
! '
Branches to common entry point Z.
Checksum and length: E3F5 27
This routine sets the status for the logarithmic model.
Enters index value for later storage in i (for indirect
Sets flag 0, the indicator for ln X.
Clears flag 1, the indicator for ln Y
! '
Branches to common entry point Z.
Checksum and length: F78E 27
This routine sets the status for the exponential model.
Enters index value for later storage in i (for indirect
Clears flag 0, the indicator for ln X.
Sets flag 1, the indicator for ln Y.
! '
Branches to common entry point Z.
Checksum and length: 293B 27
This routine sets the status for the power model.
Enters index value for later storage in i (for indirect
Sets flag 0, the indicator for ln X.
Sets flag 1, the indicator for ln Y.
Checksum and length: 43AA 24
' '
Defines common entry point for all models.
' ´
Clears the statistics registers.
' ! L
Stores the index value in i for indirect addressing.