4–16 Real–Number Functions
Parts of Numbers
These functions are primarily used in programming.
Integer part
To remove the fractional part of x and replace it with zeros, press
. (For
example, the integer part of 14.2300 is 14.0000.)
Fractional part
To remove the integer part of x and replace it with zeros, press
. (For
example, the fractional part of 14.2300 is 0.2300)
Absolute value
To replace x with its absolute value, press
Sign value
To indicate the sign of x, press
. If the x value is negative, –1.0000 is
displayed; if zero, 0.0000 is displayed; if positive, 1.0000 is displayed.
Greatest integer
To obtain the greatest integer equal to or less than given number, press
To calculate: Press: Display:
The integer part of 2.47 2.47
The fractional part of 2.47 2.47
The absolute value of –7 7
The sign value of 9 9
The greatest integer equal to or less
than –5.3
The RND function (
) rounds x internally to the number of digits
specified by the display format. (The internal number is represented by 12 digits.)
Refer to chapter 5 for the behavior of RND in Fraction–display mode.