
Chapter 4 Printer Control Menu
Enable. The printer will print all data in only one direction of the shuttle
sweep (unidirectional printing). This choice produces higher print quality.
PMD (Paper Motion Detection) Fault
Enable. If a paper jam occurs, an audible alarm beeps, the LCD displays
the message, “CLEAR PAPER JAM,” and the printer stops printing.
Disable. You should disable PMD only if special paper requires it.
Slow Paper Slew
This parameter affects the speed at which paper advances into the stacking
area of the printer. The speed may be slowed down by enabling this feature.
Disable. The default. The printer will slew and stack paper at maximum
Enable. Causes the paper to stack at a slower pace. This ensures that
certain forms will stack more neatly.
Power Saver Time
Power Saver is also referred to as the ENERGY STAR
Office Equipment
Program. The Power Saver feature places the printer in “sleep mode” when
the printer has not been used for a specified number of minutes. In sleep
mode the printer is in low-energy idle state, all fans and higher voltages are
off, and only +5Vdc logical circuits are active.
You can designate the number of minutes after which the printer will go into
sleep mode. The range of time is from 0 to 60 minutes. The default is 15
Pressing any key on the control panel or sending a print job to the printer will
turn off sleep mode.
Caution Once PMD is disabled, paper motion is not monitored. If a paper jam
occurs, the printer ignores the condition and continues to print,
which can cause severe damage to the printer.