Preface 9
Manual conventions
The following conventions are used in this manual to
represent the keys that you press and the menu options
that you choose to perform operations.
• A key that initiates an unshifted function is
represented by an image of that key:
e,B,H, etc.
• A key combination that initiates a shifted unction (or
inserts a character) is represented by the appropriate
shift key (
S or A) followed by the key for that
function or character:
Sh initiates the natural exponential function
Az inserts the pound character (#)
The name of the shifted function may also be given in
parentheses after the key combination:
SJ(Clear), SY (Setup)
• A key pressed to insert a digit is represented by that
5, 7, 8, etc.
• All fixed on-screen text—such as screen and field
names—appear in bold:
CAS Settings,
XSTEP, Decimal Mark, etc.
• A menu item selected by touching the screen is
represented by an image of that item:
, , .
Note that you must use your finger to select a menu
item. Using a stylus or something similar will not
select whatever is touched.