414 Functions and commands
rowAdd Given a matrix and two integers, returns the matrix obtained
from the given matrix after the row indicated by the second
integer is replaced by the sum of the rows indicated by the
two integers.
rowAdd(Matrix, Integer1, Integer2)
rowAdd returns
rowDim Returns the number of rows of a matrix.
rowDim gives 2
rowSwap Given a matrix and two integers, returns the matrix obtained
from the given matrix after swapping the two rows indicated
by the two integers.
rowSwap returns
rsolve Given an expression defining a recurrence relation, a
variable, and an initial condition, returns the closed form
solution (if possible) of the recurrent sequence. Given three
lists, each containing multiple items of the above nature,
solves the system of recurrent sequences.
rsolve(Expr, Var, Condition) or rsolve(List1,
List2, List3)
rsolve(u(n+1)=2*u(n)+n,u(n),u(0)=1) returns