
Functions and commands 355
PredY Returns the predicted Y for a given x.
PredY(mode, x, parameters)
Mode governs the regression model used:
1 y= sl*x+int
2 y= sl*ln(x)+int
3 y= int*exp(sl*x)
4 y= int*x^sl
5 y= int*sl^x
6 y= sl/x+int
7 y= L/(1 + a*exp(b*x))
8 y= a*sin(b*x+c)+d
9 y= cx^2+bx+a
10 y= dx^3+cx^2+bx+a
11 y= ex^4+dx^3+cx^2+bx+a
Parameters is either one argument (a list of the
coefficients of the regression line), or the n coefficients
one after another.
PredX Returns the predicted x for a given y.
PredX(mode, y, parameters)
Mode governs the regression model used:
1 y= sl*x+int
2 y= sl*ln(x)+int
3 y= int*exp(sl*x)
4 y= int*x^sl
5 y= int*sl^x
6 y= sl/x+int
7 y= L/(1 + a*exp(b*x))
8 y= a*sin(b*x+c)+d
9 y= cx^2+bx+a
10 y= dx^3+cx^2+bx+a
11 y= ex^4+dx^3+cx^2+bx+a
Parameters is either one argument (a list of the
coefficients of the regression line), or the n coefficients
one after another.