Functions and commands 417
stddevp Returns the population standard deviation of the elements of a list
or a list of the population standard deviations of the columns of a
matrix. The optional second list is a list of weights.
stddevp(List1, [List2]) or
stddevp(Vector1, [Vector2]) or
stddevp({1,2,3}) gives 1
sto Stores a real or string in a variable.
sto((Real or Str),Var)
sturmseq Returns the Sturm sequence for a polynomial or a rational
sturmseq(x^3-1,x) gives [1 [[1 0 0 -1] [3 0 0] 9] 1]
subMat Extracts from a matrix a sub matrix whose diagonal is defined
by four integers. The first two integers define the row and
column of the first element and the last two integers define the
row and column of the last element of the sub matrix.
subMat(Matrix, Int1, Int2, Int3, Int4)
subMat returns
suppress Given a list and an element, deletes the first occurrence of the
element in the list (if there is one) and returns the result.
suppress(List, Element)
suppress([0 1 2 3 2],2) returns [0 1 3 2]
surd Given an expression and an integer n, returns the expression
raised to the power 1/n.
surd(Expr, Integer)
surd(8,3) gives