30 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP128: Site Preparation Guide
HP StorageWorks Remote Web Console XP and Comand View XP AE
HP StorageWorks Remote Web Console (RWC) is a web-based software
application supplied with the XP128 disk array that permits you to connect
to, monitor, and manage the array. For managing multiple XP disk arrays,
you can upgrade to the optional Command View XP Advanced Edition
(CVXP AE) which also runs in a web browser. Using either or both
applications, you can remotely manage your HP Disk Array XP128 from
any location, enabling a remote expert to participate in problem
management. (If you already have an existing copy of Command View XP
(CV), you can also use that to manage XP128 disk arrays.)
RWC runs on the SVP inside the disk array and can be accessed from any
web browser on the LAN connected to the disk array. Command View and
Command View XP AE both run on an optional PC Device Manager server
that you must provide and install in your facility. You can use an existing
PC server if it meets the requirements specified for the software.
Local Area Network (LAN)
To connect to your intranet (public LAN), your CE will directly connect
your HP Disk Array XP128 to an available Ethernet port on your public
LAN. To ensure network security, consult with your HP CE and your
network administrator before selecting the location of your LAN drop.
Network hardware needed:
• One twisted pair (Cat 5) cable
• One available LAN drop on your intranet
Outside phone line
Recommendation Install a public voice phone line near your disk array. This phone line will
be used by you and your HP CE for voice communication in and outside of
your facility.