
DTK Desired track
DUP Duplicate
E East
EDT Eastern Daylight Time
ELE Elevation
ENT Enter
EST Eastern Standard Time
ETA Estimated time of arrival
ETE Estimated time en route
FAILR Failure of receiver
FPL Flight plan
FPM Feet per minute
FR From
GDT Greenland Daylight Time
GS Groundspeed
GST Greenland Standard Time
HAD Hawaii Daylight Time
HAS Hawaii Standard Time
HLT Health of space vehicle signal
IDENT Identifier
INIT Initialization
KM Kilometers
KT Knots
L Left
LCL Local
M Meters
MAG VAR Magnetic variation
MDT Mountain Daylight Time
MPM Meters per minute
MSG Message
MST Mountain Standard Time
N NDB waypoint
N North
NAV Navigation
NAV A Navigation with altitude aiding
NAV D Navigation with data collection
NM Nautical miles
OBS Omni bearing selection
ORS Operational Revision Status
OTH Other
Appendix D Abbreviations