
MLS MLS approach
ILS/MLS ILS and MLS approaches
If the airport has a GPS approved non-precision approach included in the
KLN 94 database, GPS will also be displayed on line 4.
The lower right corner will display (R) if the airport has an approach/depar-
ture radar environment. The Airport 4 (APT 4) Page
See figure 3-152
The APT 4 page displays the runway
designation, length, surface, and
lighting for up to five runways in
order of length, beginning with the
longest runway. Since there are
many times when all of an airport’s runway information does not fit on one
page, additional APT 4 pages are used to display the data. Remember
that a “+” inserted between the page type and the number (APT+4 in this
case) is used to indicate that there is more than one Airport 4 page.
Line 1: The ICAO identifier (see section 2.3) of the airport; an arrow pre-
cedes the identifier if it is the active waypoint.
Line 2: The runway designation for the first runway on the page.
NOTE: In some parts of the world, runway numbers are based on true
runway heading rather than magnetic. These runways are prevalent in
northern Canada, where there is a large magnetic variation gradient. For
these runways, a
symbol separates the two runway numbers (example
Line 3: The runway length for the first runway listed on the page, the run-
way surface type and the type of lighting (blank if none).
Runway surface abbreviations:
HRD Hard surface
TRF Turf
GRV Gravel
CLY Clay
SND Sand
DRT Dirt
SNW Snow
SHL Shale
MAT Steel mat
Chapter 3 Basic GPS Operation
Figure 3-152